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Case Management Services

Access to Case Management

Our Care Management team is available for members who may benefit from increased coordination of services. The team is available to assist and support providers with member issues including non-adherence to medications/medical advice, multiple complex co-morbidities, or to offer guidance with a new diagnosis.

The care management team helps members:

  • Achieve optimum health, functional capability and quality of life through improved management of their disease or condition.
  • Determine and access available benefits and resources.
  • Develop goals and coordinate with family, providers and community organizations to achieve these goals.
  • Facilitate timely receipt of appropriate services in the right setting.

Early intervention is essential to maximizing treatment options and minimizing potential complications associated with illnesses, injury or chronic conditions. Members can receive services through face-to-face visits, over the phone or in a provider's office. You can directly refer members to the Care Management program at any time by calling 1-844-385-2192 (TTY 711) or initiating a referral on the Provider Portal.


This microlearning series (4 videos) provides an overview of the case management services that Nebraska Total Care offers. 

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the types of case management services offered
  • Identify who makes up the case management teams
  • Review how to refer a member to case management
  • Clarify frequently asked questions about case management services

Register to access the on-demand Case Management Services microlearning series. (updated link pending)